What Is

Nutritional Therapy

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Beating Burnout!

Nutritional Therapy

Welcome to the heart of my practice – Nutritional Therapy. I’m passionate about harnessing the incredible power of food to optimise health, transform lives and bring about lasting well-being. However, even though food forms the foundation of my practice, I adopt a fully holistic and person-centred approach, meaning we’ll also likely explore lifestyle suggestions, stress management techniques, and a variety of mindful practices. So, if you’re done with feeling fatigued, overwhelmed, and burnt-out, you’ve come to the right place!

What is Nutritional Therapy?

Nutritional Therapy is a holistic approach to health that recognises the vital connection between what we eat and how we feel. It’s rarely just about diets; it’s about understanding the unique needs and desires of your unique body, encompassing not just the physical, but the mental, emotional, environmental, and spiritual as well. By working together, we’ll co-create a bespoke and customised plan that’s tailored to your individual needs, lifestyle, and goals.

Uncovering the Root Causes:

One size doesn’t fit all when it comes to wellness. That’s why our journey begins with an in-depth assessment of your health history, current concerns, and your unique goals and visions, as well as a comprehensive 3-day food and lifestyle diary. We’ll work together to aim to identify any underlying imbalances and root causes that might be contributing to your fatigue, stress, and low energy levels.

Personalised Solutions:

I believe that every individual is a unique combination of biology, physiology, experiences, desires, and aspirations. With this in mind, we’ll create a personalised nutritional therapy programme that addresses your specific challenges and needs. We’ll explore nourishing foods, practical strategies, lifestyle factors and mindful practices that will bring you ever closer to feeling great again!

The Path to Wellness:

Nutritional Therapy goes beyond quick fixes. It’s about nurturing your body for the long term and building a foundation of well-being that supports you in all aspects of life. As we work together, you’ll gain insights into your body’s requirements and responses, make informed choices, and develop a renewed sense of vitality that will carry you forward long-term.

Why Choose Nutritional Therapy?

If you’re tired of chasing fad diets and temporary solutions, Nutritional Therapy offers a refreshing and informed alternative. It is a science-based approach rooted in the understanding and acknowledgement that what you eat, along with lifestyle and environmental factors, profoundly impacts your physical and mental well-being. By choosing Nutritional Therapy, you’re investing in a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and sustainable change.

Let’s Begin Your Journey:

Are you ready to take control of your health and embark on an exciting and empowering journey toward FEELING GREAT AGAIN? Then book your complimentary Health & Wellness MOT to begin!
Together, we’ll explore your goals, challenges, and aspirations, laying the groundwork for a transformative experience that will lead you to a brighter, more energised future!

Success Stories

What My Clients Say

Aisling - Kent

"I began working with Sophie last Autumn and at the time I was going through a difficult period having recently experienced a miscarriage. I knew I needed expert guidance and support to get my nutrition back on track and to begin to feel stronger and to nourish my body. Working with Sophie gave me so much more than I could have imagined. Sophie is not only an incredibly knowledgeable Nutritional Therapist, she's also an amazing coach and guided and supported me through the life changes I began to make through the programme she gave me. Working with Sophie changed my life and finally everything I'd been trying to do for years (and failed miserably at!) came together through consistent small changes. I feel stronger and more confident in knowing what my body needs to thrive and I understand so much more about how to stay on track and consistent. I can't recommend her enough.”

Anna - Leadership and Brand Coach, Kent

"You have been a lifesaver for me. I loved our consultations… you and the plan, guidance, encouragement, and advice on supplements have really changed things around for me. No more 3pm fog, more exercise, and better eating, with the odd treat of course! I have my bespoke plan sellotaped to my store cupboard. Thank you!"

Charlotte - Kent

"Sophie was great to work with. Supportive, approachable and knowledgeable, she really helped me to navigate a difficult period of digestive flare ups, bloating and food confusion. With Sophie's help, I was able to make some pretty big changes I've wanted to make for a while and shift my whole mindset around nutrition. I'm taking what l've learned with me into my day-to-day life and wouldn't hesitate to recommend Sophie if you want a kind, reassuring voice in your corner to help you get your lifestyle closer to where you'd like it to be."